January 23, 2013

Winston Weekly

Hello friends!

I've decided to start a new and exciting weekly post!

Wednesday Winston Weekly :)

(Winston Weekly for short)

This week I'm going to start by sharing with you the very first photo I ever saw of Winston. Since he is our "family" dog, I didn't see him for three weeks after my parents got him and this was my introduction!

Can you even believe how wiiiiittle bitty he was?! Oh my goodness, I still can't handle it. 

I'd like to take a little poll on how Winston Weekly's should go, so feel free to share your opinion with me!

1) Baby photos, growing up, photos, then photos of now. (chronological, each week)
2) random!

I hope you enjoy my new Wednesday series as much as I do! :)



  1. ahhh he's adorable!! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm following you now! xo


  2. He is the cutest thing ever!! As for how your blog should go, I think random stories and pictures might be more fun for your to write about, then to worry about going in order. But I think either way would be fantastic. Can't go wrong with cute dog pictures. :)
